The Terms and Conditions for using ANOA website or application (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms and Conditions”) are an agreement between you (“user” or “you”) and ANOA (“ANOA” or “We”) that managed how you use the product, services, technology and services provided by ANOA including but not limited to services when users register an account through the website https://anoatoken.com (hereinafter referred to as the "ANOA Website"). By registering as a user, the user has stated that the user has READ, UNDERSTAND, ACCEPT, and AGREE to all terms and conditions contained in these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy as follows:



  • Definition
As long as the context of the sentence does not specify otherwise, the terms or definitions in the terms and conditions have the following meanings:

  1. ANOA Account is an account or access given to users to carry out activities using the ANOA website;
  2. ANOA assets are digital commodities, using cryptography, information technology networks, and distributed ledgers, to manage the creation of new units, verify transactions, and secure transactions without the interference of other parties, which are traded on ANOA website;
  3. USDT is a currency specifically designed to establish an intermediary between traditional currencies and cryptocurrency;
  4. Funds are the amount of money deposited by Users in Rupiah through inter-bank transfers for the purposes of Crypto Asset Trading Activities through exchangers;
  5. Blockchain is a transaction recording system or database that is widespread in online peer-to-peer networks;
  6. Password is an encryption that can protect ANOA accounts with an alphanumeric combination consisting of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols;
  7. Wallet is a medium used for storing funds or crypto assets in the form of coins or tokens;
  8. Fund Placement is the process of storing funds or crypto assets by users which refers to the top-up process or mechanism carried out through ANOA account;
  9. Privacy Policy is a provision managing how ANOA collect, use, maintain and disclose information collected from users through the ANOA website;
  10. Services are services provided by ANOA including but not limited to ANOA asset trading activities;
  11. User is a person (individual) who own ANOA account who has registered on the ANOA website, thus obtaining authority from ANOA to carry out crypto asset trading activities.


  • Notification of Risk Documents
    • Crypto asset trading is a high risk activity;
    • Crypto asset trading carries additional risks that are not experienced by other commodities in a market that is formed on the basis of technology and consensus;
    • Be wary of saying that you will make huge profits trading crypto assets;
    • You must read carefully and understand including but not limited to the Terms or other information before making a Crypto Asset transaction;
    • ANOA does not guarantee the long-term viability of Crypto Assets traded or exchanged on the ANOA website/ Platform;
    • This brief statement cannot contain all the risks or other important aspects of Crypto Asset Trading. Therefore you must study Crypto Asset Trading activities carefully before deciding to make a transaction;
    • This Risk Disclosure document is made in Indonesian Bahasa.


    • Registration Process
      1. General requirements. To use the service, you must be registered as a user with the following conditions:
        1. 18 (eighteen) years old;
        2. Have an identity card (KTP) for Indonesian citizens, or a passport issued by the user's country of origin and/or a Temporary Stay Permit Card (KITAP) or a Limited Stay Permit Card (KITAS) for foreign nationals;
        3. Use your own crypto funds or assets and not crypto funds or assets that originate or belong to other people, or are the proceeds of crime, money laundering, terrorism financing and/or weapons of mass destruction;
        4. Register via the ANOA website;
        5. Agree and comply with the Terms and Conditions and privacy policy.
      2. Registration Process, in carrying out ANOA account registration, users are required to provide information that includes but is not limited to:
        1. Name;
        2. Address;
        3. Telephone Number;
        4. E-mail;
        5. Place and Date of Birth;
        6. Occupation;
        7. NPWP (optional);
        8. KTP number or other identification (KITAP, KITAS and others, this is optional).
      3. ANOA has the right to request information or other matters other than those mentioned in point 2 which are necessary in connection with the specified registration requirements. Applicant hereby declares and guarantees that every data/ explanation/ document/ information/ statement provided in connection with the registration process as a User is complete, original, correct and in accordance with the actual situation and is the latest data/ explanation/ document/ information/ statement has not been changed and is still valid/has not expired and there are no changes or other conditions that have been agreed upon based on the provisions on the ANOA website registration page.
      4. User hereby agrees that access to the ANOA Account is effective after all requirements have been met by the User and the registration process has gone through a verification process to be approved by ANOA. All risks arising in connection with closing/blocking/freezing ANOA Account caused by User mistake and/or negligence, will be the responsibility of the User and ANOA will not provide compensation to the User or other parties in any form whatsoever for all claims/claims and compensation. losses from the User or any party in connection with the closure of the User's ANOA Account.
      5. User agrees and authorizes ANOA to use all data, explanations and information obtained by ANOA regarding the User including but not limited to the use of the User's personal communication means for all other purposes as long as possible and permitted by applicable laws and regulations, including those intended for marketing purposes ANOA or other parties who cooperate with ANOA. For the use of data that requires the approval of other parties, the User declares that he has given written consent to any third party for the use of such data, explanations and information, and therefore ANOA will not provide compensation and/or liability in any form to the User and any party. for all risks, claims, lawsuits and/or compensation that may arise in the future related to the use of data, explanations and information that has obtained written approval by ANOA.
      6. Password change, Users can reset their password by asking to get a link in the registered email so they can enter a new password. We cannot manually change or reset user passwords for the safety of all our users.

      • ANOA Account
        1. Each ANOA Account that is registered will be administered by ANOA based on special identification according to the User's name which will also apply as the name/identity of the ANOA Account according to what is stated on User's identity. Users are prohibited from using ANOA Account other than the User's account, or accessing other ANOA Accounts, or helping others to gain unauthorized access to that account. All use of the ANOA Account is the full responsibility of the owner of the ANOA Account recorded on the ANOA website.
        2. User must use and include user's email and password that has been registered & verified by ANOA during the registration process. The ANOA system will automatically refuse access to the ANOA Account, if it is not accompanied by the correct email and password. The User is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the password, ANOA Account, Wallet access, email login access and all types of activities that include transactions in user's ANOA Account. The user is fully responsible for the use of passwords and ANOA Accounts. If there is use of a ANOA password and/or account without the user's permission and other suspected violations occur, the user must contact ANOA by sending an e-mail to info@atn.co.id accompanied by supporting information. ANOA is not responsible for any losses incurred due to misuse of the ANOA Account and/or password, with or without user's knowledge.
        3. Users agree not to use ANOA services to commit criminal acts in any form, including but not limited to money laundering, gambling, purchasing illegal goods, terrorist activities or hacking activities. Any User who violates these rules can be terminated and must be responsible for losses suffered by ANOA or other users on the ANOA website. ANOA has the right to close ANOA Account and freeze funds, Crypto Assets and transactions therein if it finds suspicious activity in the ANOA Account for an unspecified time.



      The scope of services on the ANOA website that can be used by users are as follows:

      1. Purchase (Top-Up) and transfer of crypto assets according to a predetermined list of crypto assets;
      2. Accept placement of funds in the form of ANOA tokens;
      3. Withdraw funds in the form of ANOA tokens which will be converted into USDT to the exchanger (withdrawals in the form of IDR);
      4. Exchanging crypto assets between fellow users on the ANOA website;
      5. Sending crypto assets to other users on the ANOA website, as well as users of crypto assets outside the ANOA website according to the list of crypto assets provided;
      6. Receive a deposit in the form of ANOA according to the list of crypto assets provided.


        1. Your Wallet allows you to send, receive, and store Crypto Assets, by providing instructions through the ANOA Wallet;
        2. We will process the transaction according to the instructions we receive from you. You must verify all transaction information before sending us instructions. We do not guarantee the identity of users, recipients, applicants or other parties. Transactions cannot be reversed once submitted to the relevant Crypto Asset network;
        3. After being submitted to the Crypto Asset network, the User will wait for confirmation from the Crypto Asset network for a certain period of time. Incomplete transactions while in pending status will be rendered accordingly, and will not be included in your Wallet balance or made available for transaction;
        4. We may charge network fees to process transactions on your behalf. We will calculate the network fee at our sole discretion, although we will always notify you of the network fee at or before the time you authorize the transaction;
        5. We may refuse to process or cancel pending transactions as required by law or any other court or authority to which ANOA is subject to such jurisdiction.
        6. Our Crypto Asset Services are only available in respect of Crypto Assets supported and listed on the ANOA website, and this may change from time to time. Under no circumstances may you use Wallet to store, send, request, or receive Crypto Assets in any form that We do not support. We are not responsible or liable in connection with any attempt to use your Wallet for Crypto Assets that are not endorsed by us. If you have questions about the Crypto Assets we currently support, please visit https://anoatoken.com
        7. We do not own or control the underlying software protocols or govern the operation of the Crypto Assets supported on the ANOA website: generally, the underlying protocols are open source and anyone can use, copy, modify and distribute them. We do not responsible for the operation of the underlying protocols and we cannot guarantee their functionality, security or availability.
        8. You acknowledge and accept the risk that the protocol of the software underlying the transaction of any Crypto Asset that you store in your Wallet may change. In particular, the underlying protocols are likely to be subject to sudden changes in operating rules ("forks"), and such forks could materially affect the value, functionality and/or name of the Crypto Assets you store in your Wallet. Where possible, we may provide you with notices or warnings on forks in accordance with the Notices Section of these Terms and Conditions and you should read the notices you receive from us so that you can consider how to handle future forks. However, it is your responsibility to make yourself aware of, and consider how to deal with, the upcoming fork. In the case of a fork, there is a risk that We may need to temporarily suspend operations in relation to the fork without giving you prior notice. We may, in our reasonable discretion, decline to support either or both branches of a fork.
        9. You acknowledge the risks presented by a fork and you accept that we have no responsibility to assist you in moving or selling an unsupported fork of a forked protocol


        1. We may: 
          1. refuse to complete or block, cancel or reverse transactions that you have authorized.
          2. suspend, limit or terminate your access to any or all of the Services, and/or 
          3. deactivate or cancel the Account ANOA if things happen, including but not more, as follows:
            1. In our reasonable opinion, required by applicable law or any court or other authority in any jurisdiction;
            2. We reasonably suspect that you are in breach of these Terms and Conditions;
            3. We reasonably suspect you have violated the Privacy Policy;
            4. We are concerned that the transaction you made was wrong or violated the security of your ANOA Account;
            5. We suspect the Service is being used in a fraudulent or unauthorized manner;
            6. We suspect money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud or other financial crimes;
            7. Your use of your ANOA Account is in the process of litigation, investigation, or pending legal proceedings, and/or we perceive a high legal risk related to your use of your Account; or
            8. You take any action that may circumvent our control such as opening multiple ANOA Accounts or abusing promotions we may offer from time to time.
        2. We can also refuse to complete a transaction that you agree with if the Funds and/or Crypto Assets are insufficient to carry out a transaction.
        3. If we refuse to complete the transaction or close your ANOA Account or stop using the Service with the conditions stated in this section, We will (except as prohibited by law) give You notice of Our actions and the reasons for the rejection, suspension or termination and if necessary, with procedures to correct any factual errors that led to the rejection, suspension or closure. If we refuse to complete the transaction and/or suspend your ANOA Account, we will lift the suspension as soon as possible after the reasons for the rejection and/or suspension have been resolved. However, we are under no obligation to enable you to reverse a transaction at the same price or on the same terms as a suspended or cancelled transaction.
        4. We may suspend, limit or terminate your access to any or all of the services and/or disable or cancel your ANOA Account, without reason by giving you 1 (one) month's notice prior to the effective date of closure or cancellation. You acknowledge that Our decision to take certain actions, including limiting access to, suspending, or closing Your ANOA Account, may be based on confidential criteria that are important to our risk management and security protocols. You agree that we are under no obligation to disclose details of our risk management and security procedures to you.
        5. If we suspend or close your Account, or stop using the Service for any reason, We have the right to require You to complete the procedures outlined in the ANOA Account Registration section before allowing You to transfer or withdraw Crypto Assets or funds.
        6. You can close your ANOA Account at any time by withdrawing all balances by sending an email to info@atn.co.id. You will not be charged a fee to close your ANOA Account, although you will be required to pay the amount owed to us (if any). You allow us to cancel or suspend pending transactions at the time of cancellation.
        7. In the event of an Account termination, the User agrees and states that he is willing to remain bound by the Terms and Conditions and stop using ANOA services, grant ANOA the right to delete all information and data on the ANOA server, and states that ANOA is not responsible to Users or third parties for termination of access and abolition of information and data in the ANOA Account.


        1. If you have comments, questions, complaints or complaints that you want to submit, contact us via our customer support website page at https://anoatoken.com. When you contact us, provide your name, registered username/email address, and other information we need to identify you, your ANOA Account, and the transaction in which you received your feedback, question, or complaint.
        2. If you want to submit a complaint, you are expected to state the cause of the complaint, how you want us to resolve the complaint and other information that you believe is relevant. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint if you contact us through our customer support web page. The Customer Complaints Officer ("Officer") will consider your complaint. Officers will consider your complaint without prejudice based on the information you provide and any information provided by ANOA. Within 15 (fifteen) working days of receipt of your complaint, the Officer will discuss all the points raised in your complaint by sending an e-mail ("Resolution Notification") in which the Officer will: (i) offer to resolve your complaint by what you ask; (ii) make a determination to reject your complaint and explain the reasons for the refusal; or (iii) offer to resolve your complaint with an alternative solution. In exceptional circumstances, if the Officer is unable to respond to your complaint within 15 (fifteen) working days for reasons beyond ANOA's control, the Officer will send a reply indicating the reason for the delay in responding to your complaint and setting the time limit used by the Officer. will respond to your complaint (which is not later than 35 (thirty five) working days from the time we receive your complaint.


        1. All services on the ANOA Site do not provide any guarantees or guarantees and ANOA does not guarantee that the ANOA website will always be accessible at any time due to periodic system and network interruptions or maintenance.
        2. The user declares and guarantees that he will use the Service properly and responsibly and does not take actions that are contrary to the laws, laws and regulations that apply in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
        3. The user declares and guarantees that he will not use the Service in trading Crypto Assets related to: (i) narcotics, materials and/or chemicals for research; (ii) money and anything similar to money, including derivatives; (iii) goods and/or services that violate Intellectual Property Rights; (iv) ammunition, firearms, explosives, sharp weapons in accordance with the applicable legal provisions; (v) goods and/or services that reveal personal information from unlawful third parties; (vi) goods and/or services related to lottery purchases, lay-away; (vii) services related to banking outside the territory of the Republic of Indonesia; (viii) Card payments; (ix) Credit settlement and/or; (x) support for banned or banned organizations by the government.
        4. Users need to declare and guarantee not to use the Service for actions that are involved in gambling practices and/or other activities that charge an entry fee and promise prizes, including but not limited to casino games, gambling in sports, businesses that facilitate gambling and lottery methods.
        5. User represents and guarantees that all data, information and documents provided by User to ANOA are true, valid, honest, transparent, complete and accurate data, information and documents. The user states that he is willing to be prosecuted criminally or civilly sued if ANOA knows or obtains information from any party that the data, information and documents provided by the User are incorrect/not completely true/false. The user is willing to update data/information (profile update) at any time requested by ANOA and then all documents that have been provided become fully owned by ANOA.
        6. ANOA has provided sufficient information and explanation regarding ANOA services that will be used by Users in accordance with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions and Users have understood and understood and are willing to bear all the consequences that may arise in connection with the use of ANOA services including benefits, risks and costs costs attached to services and services.
        7. User hereby agrees and authorizes ANOA to use all data, information and information obtained by ANOA regarding User including but not limited to the use of User's personal communication means for all other purposes as long as it is possible and permitted by applicable laws, including which aims to market ANOA products or other parties, who cooperate with ANOA. For the use of data that requires the approval of other parties, the User hereby declares that he has obtained written approval from any third party for the use of such data, information and information, and therefore the User guarantees and agrees that ANOA will not provide compensation and/or liability in any form to the User or any party for all risks, losses, demands and/or responsibilities that may arise in the future in connection with the use of data, information and information that has obtained written approval by ANOA.
        8. User declares and guarantees that transactions carried out using the Service are transactions that do not violate the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations and the provisions regarding acceptance of the implementation of transactions as stipulated in the Terms and Conditions. In the event that ANOA finds indications of carrying out transactions that are not in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations and or provisions regarding acceptance of the implementation of transactions regulated in the Terms and Conditions, then ANOA has the full right to close User's ANOA Account by deactivating the Service, and the User hereby agrees that ANOA hereby will not provide compensation and or liability in any form to the User, or any party for any claims and or demands arising in connection with the deactivation of the Service to User.
        9. User represents and guarantees that the risks to the use of the third party services, products and promotions with the User (if any), are borne by the User, and the User declares that ANOA is not responsible for the services and performance of third party services.
        10. User hereby agrees and authorizes ANOA to use all data, information and information obtained by ANOA regarding User including but not limited to the use of the User's personal communication means for all other purposes as long as it is possible and permitted by applicable laws, including which aims to market ANOA products or other parties, who cooperate with ANOA. For the use of data that requires the approval of other parties, the User hereby declares that he has obtained written approval from any third party for the use of such data, information and information, and therefore the User guarantees and agrees that ANOA will not provide compensation and/or liability in any form to the User or any party for all risks, losses, demands and/or responsibilities that may arise in the future in connection with the use of data, information and information that has been obtained written approval by ANOA.
        11. Users are hereby fully responsible and agree that ANOA will not provide compensation and or liability in any form to Users or any party for any losses and or claims and or demands that arise or may be experienced by ANOA as a result of negligence or failure User in terms of password security or credentials from the User's ANOA Account.
        12. The User represents and guarantees that the risks to the use of third-party services, products and promotions with the User (if any), are borne by the User, and the User declares that ANOA is not responsible for the services and performance of third party services.


        1. The User agrees to bear any risks, losses or consequences suffered by the User caused by, among others:
          1. damage, delay, loss or error in sending orders and communications, electronically caused by the User;
          2. ANOA Account Reports or notifications on the use of ANOA services sent to Users are received or read or misused by parties who are not authorized to the ANOA Account;
          3. The ANOA Account Password is known by another person/party due to User error.
        2. The User understand and agree that User will use the ANOA Account and Services for transactions that do not conflict with the provisions of laws and regulations and/or applicable ANOA internal policies and/or other regulations that apply nationally or internationally related to the implementation the transaction either directly or indirectly, and ANOA will not provide compensation and/or liability in any form to the User or any party for any claims and/or demands and/or losses arising in connection with the use of the Service by the User for transactions involving categorized as suspicious transactions and/or transactions that are prohibited by applicable laws and/or ANOA internal policies and/or other regulations that apply both nationally and internationally related to transaction activities carried out by Users. directly or indirectly.
        3. In conducting transactions using the ANOA website, Users understand and agree that there are certain sanctions imposed by the government, including governments of other countries, and/or other authorized agencies against several countries, entities and individuals. Referring to this, ANOA has the right not to carry out/process transactions that are a violation of the provisions of these sanctions, and the competent authority may require the disclosure of related information. ANOA is not responsible if ANOA or other parties fail or delay the implementation of transactions, or there is disclosure of information as a result of direct or indirect violation of the provisions of these sanctions.


      • RISK

      Without prejudice to the provisions regarding the prohibitions contained in the Terms and Conditions, Users are prohibited from doing the following:

      1. Users are not allowed to take actions that can cause harm to ANOA and or which are contrary to the Terms and Conditions and applicable laws and regulations.
      2. If User violates one or more of the provisions in these terms, User will be fully responsible and hereby agrees that for this violation ANOA has the right to limit the features of using ANOA services until ANOA Account is closed and the User acknowledges and agrees that ANOA will not provide compensation and or liability in any form to the User or any party for all risks or consequences arising from the restriction on the use of services and closing the ANOA Account. The user is then obliged to pay compensation to ANOA in the amounts of losses that ANOA may experience for the violation. User hereby authorizes ANOA to debit User Account for payment of such compensation in the form of ANOA tokens. In the event that the Funds in User's Account are not available and/or insufficient, the User must return all of the Funds to ANOA no later than 7 (seven) working days after ANOA submit the said claim.


        1. Any information and or data provided by ANOA to User and or data obtained by User as the implementation of the Terms and Conditions whether given or delivered orally, in writing, graphically or delivered via electronic media or information and or data in other forms during the conversation or during other confidential work (hereinafter referred to as "Confidential Information");
        2. Users agree and agree that at any time they will keep confidential information obtained as a result of collaboration with anyone or will not use it for the benefit of the User or the interests of other parties, without first obtaining written approval from an authorized official from ANOA or other authorized party in accordance with applicable legal provisions.
        3. If the User violates the provisions referred to in numbers 1 and 2 of this provision regarding confidentiality, then all losses, claims and or lawsuits experienced by ANOA are the full responsibility of User, and at the first request from ANOA, User is obliged to resolve them in accordance with legal provisions and applicable laws and provide compensation that may arise as a result of the violation to ANOA. User hereby agrees that ANOA will not provide compensation and or liability in any form to User or any party for any claims and or claims that may arise in the future in connection with the violation.
        4. The obligation to store confidential information as referred to in numbers 1 and 2 regarding confidentiality shall not apply if:
          1. Such confidential information becomes available to the general public;
          2. Confidential information ordered to be disclosed to comply with a court order or other authorized government agency;
          3. Confidential information is provided in accordance with applicable legal provisions.
        5. The user then agrees to make every effort and take every necessary action to prevent third parties from gaining access to or resulting in the disclosure of confidential information.
        6. In the event that the collaboration has ended, User agrees that the obligation to keep documents and materials that constitute confidential information as stipulated in this provision will remain in force.


        1. The user agrees that what is meant by Negligence (“Default”) is the following matters or events:
          1. Negligence;
          2. If the User is negligent in carrying out an obligation or violates a provision in the Terms and Conditions;
          3. Incorrect Statement;
          4. If it turns out that a statement or guarantee given by the User in the Terms and Conditions - is incorrect or not in accordance with reality.
        2. In the case of an incident of negligence based on point 1 of this negligence provision by the User, ANOA can choose whether to continue or close User's Account. If ANOA wishes to close User's Account, such intention must be notified to User within a reasonable time according to ANOA.
        3. In the case of negligence by User as intended, then ANOA has the right to immediately deactivate ANOA Account without having to make prior notification to the User, and User hereby agrees that ANOA will not provide compensation and or liability in any form to the User. or any party for all claims and or lawsuits and or claims and or requests for compensation from any party that may arise in connection with the occurrence of such negligence.


      • TAX

      Whereas the tax on trading activities of Crypto Assets is the tax that is borne by each activity actor, in this case the User and ANOA. Users can consult tax payments with Personal Tax Consultants, and ANOA does not bear User taxes unless otherwise specified in these Terms and Conditions.


      • SECURITY

      ANOA has implemented a network and security measures as an information security network against unauthorized access in using, changing and/or disclosing accounts, with security standards that are in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations. The entry of the party is not responsible for access to the use, change and/or disclosure of accounts from third parties due to negligence and/or user error resulting in the user's risk being borne, so ANOA will not provide compensation and or liability in any form to the user or other parties any risks, responsibilities and claims that may arise in connection with the negligence/intentional/error of the User in providing information.



        1. What is meant by Force Majeure are events that occur beyond the ability and power of ANOA so that they affect the implementation of transactions, including but not limited to:
          1. Earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters;
          2. Wars, demonstrations, riots, terrorism, sabotage, embargoes, and mass strikes;
          3. Economic policies from the Government that affect directly.
        2. As long as ANOA has carried out all its obligations in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations in connection with the occurrence of the Force Majeure, then ANOA will not provide compensation and or liability in any form to the User or any other party for any risks, responsibilities and claims whatsoever which may arise in connection with delays or non-performance of obligations due to Force Majeure.


        1. ANOA always strives to maintain a safe, convenient and well-functioning Service, but we cannot guarantee continuous operation or that access to our Service is always flawless. There is a possibility that the information and data on ANOA website may not be available in real time.
        2. ANOA does not guarantee that the results obtained from the use of the service will be accurate or reliable.
        3. The User agrees that User uses ANOA Service at the User's own risk, and that ANOA Service is provided to the User on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis.
        4. To the extent permitted by applicable law, ANOA (including the Parent Company, directors and employees) is not responsible, and the User agrees not to hold ANOA liable, for damages or losses (including but not limited to loss of money, reputation, profits, or other intangible losses) which are directly or indirectly caused by the following:
          1. User's inability to use ANOA services is included in personal risk;
          2. Loss of Use, Loss of Profits, Loss of Revenue, Loss of Data, Loss of Goodwill, or Failure to realize expected savings, in any case directly or indirectly;
          3. Any losses caused by the User's negligence including but not limited to negligence in logging in via third party devices and / or failure to maintain the confidentiality of the device used for logging in;
          4. Condition and quality of products or tradable Crypto Assets;
          5. Intellectual Property Rights Violation;
          6. Disputes between Users;
          7. Defamation of other parties;
          8. Any misuse of Assets purchased by Users;
          9. Viruses or other malware (bots, scripts, automation tools) obtained by accessing or connecting to the Service;
          10. The process of skimming or hacking, which causes losses to the User in the ANOA Service;
          11. Disturbances, bugs, errors or inaccuracies in the Service;
          12. Damage to your hardware from use of any Service;
          13. Enforcement actions taken in relation to User accounts;
          14. Any hacking performed by third parties on User's account;
        5. User acknowledges and agrees that User's only right with respect to service problems or dissatisfaction is to stop using the Service.


        1. User agrees to communicate with ANOA in electronic format, and agrees that all terms, conditions, agreements, notices, disclosures or any other forms of communication provided by ANOA to Users electronically are considered as written.
        2. The user agrees to receive emails from the ANOA website. E-mails sent can contain information about accounts, transactions, systems, promotions and so on


      I declare that I have received and read the "TERMS AND CONDITIONS" USER AGREEMENT understand and agree to its contents.